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3-digit universal codes
003, 795, 797, 500, 697, 553, 808, 551, 574, 652, 531, 516, 072, 107, 513, 575, 097, 794, 856, 798, 809
4-digit universal codes
1489, 0885, 0143, 3411, 1430, 1300, 0890, 1216, 1454, 5781, 1027, 1336, 1367, 1712, 5054, 5237, 1036, 4797, 0114, 1146, 3241, 3251, 0111, 1901, 2281, 3711, 3851, 5971, 5981, 1891, 2141, 0889, 1282, 1577, 0451, 1217, 1019, 1195, 1196, 1414, 1433, 0002 , 0915, 0013, 5001, 5115, 5117, 5379
5-digit universal codes
13382, 13470, 11577, 11712, 12499, 19016 , 12824, 10885, 12536, 12195, 10463, 10889,13579, 11300 , 13949, 12293, 13094, 10890, 11282, 12397, 13908, 10451, 11217, 10000, 17133, 18535, 11106, 12438
How to check if the Westinghouse remote is a universal remote
Some of the TV remote controls that come with some Westinghouse TVs are universal remotes. This means that you can use the remote to power gadgets other than Westinghouse TV. To test if your Westinghouse console is universal, check if it has the Set and Mode options. If so, this is a universal remote.